(202) 800-4387 (202) 506-5529 kinarahcs@kinarahcs.com

Diagnostic Assessment

Our treatment process begins with a Diagnostic Assessment; a comprehensive clinical interview that categorizes psychosocial data and contains information supporting a mental health diagnosis. DAs are completed at intake by licensed clinicians, and typically accompany the updating and/or creation of treatment plans and crisis plans.

Kinara Health Care Services
Kinara Health Care Services


Medication or somatic treatment services are medical interventions including: Psychiatric examinations, prescription, supervision or administration of mental health-related medication and monitoring.

Kinara Health Care Services


a service rooted in psychological evidenced-based theory aimed at treating direct mental health concerns. Therapists in community mental health often focus on confronting trauma, identifying negative thought and behavioral patterns, and addressing specific symptoms of mental illness.

Kinara Health Care Services


A skill-building service focusing on the restoration and redevelopment of independent living skills, assistance with accessing needed community services and social supports, and the development of coping skills and relapse prevention strategies. 

Kinara Health Care Services

Talk With a Specialist

24/7 service. Same Day Appointments are Available.

What You Need to Know About Your Appointment

Please prepare the following 


A list of your medicines


Family Medical History


Your Medical History

Kinara Health Care Services